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Learners with Language Learning Difficulties and How They Understand a Foreign Language in Today’s Education. Teaching other languages has become an extremely common habit in almost every schools worldwide. Language teaching is implemented in the teaching system of every learner at a certain time of learning. This is not completely weird, especially because non-native languages do not only help to communicate more, but are recently found to be favorable for the brain development for the learners. However, learners that already experience written or oral learning problems in their native language often struggle with learning non-native languages in school.

Selected teaching ways can result in achievement for the majority of students. The secret of realization can be created from both the student and the educators. The aim of the educators is to give instructions that are chosen to fit the needs of all students educators are teaching, and the student needs to stand committed to the learning and the tasks set.

Learners that have Foreign Language Difficulties

The majority of students in the world are faced with struggles in acquiring a new language than the native tongue. This cannot allocate students as learning handicapped or mean that they suffer from dyslexia. One of the reasons why a student might have difficulties with understanding foreign languages is simply because they have more abilities in other field.

Also, students can see learning a different language to be a complex task in a given setting. The difference in success of students who study second languages may be severe regarding school settings. In most cases, learners that already encounter difficulties in reading, listening, speaking and writing in their native tongue are at risk of facing different language learning difficulties in school. Of course, the seriousness of this difficulty depends on the severity of the issues they encounter regarding their first language acceptance.

The majority of problems when it comes to learning a different language may be seen in those learners suffering from issues in more than one or even more aspects of the mother tongue. Such struggles can range from small to moderate to severe. Researchers attempted to decide whether there is a certain medical problem that averts learners from understanding a non-native language. Still, the findings conclude that there is no such impairment and the issues are actually a consequence of the abilities of the learner to be a good language learner.

Students with difficulty and Traditional Teaching Education

Non-native language professors are not usually taught to identify the specific needs of all learners in the school. Their educating methods barely combine providing different help to a at risk learner, so the educators’ teaching are usually lead by methods that fit everyone in general. These ways include speaking in the target language; computer reinforced teaching and listening audio language methods. And against the widely accepted thought that the methods should be sufficient to serve the ideal student that does not suffer from problems with comprehending a different language, there are remaining some learners at risk regarding to comprehending the different language. The struggling learner is constantly requiring more multisensory, disciplined and systematic strategy of learning. Find out useful information about

Struggling Students Learners Students and Language Problems

Learners that are seen as at risk when it comes to language understanding commonly identify with the abovementioned learning problems:

  • Unable to maintain learning level with other students
  • Difficulty to respond to given task
  • Need to dedicate extra time on foreign language learning
  • Not able to how to understand language rule
  • Not able to how to analyze grammar, pronunciation or vocabulary rules
  • Difficulty to understand the foreign communication in particular cases
  • Producing mistakes in writing and in communicating
  • Unable to comprehend the directions of the teacher when provided in the foreign language.

In some cases, this happening is even more severe. Sometimes learners find it impossible to understand and understand the phonemes and sounds of the non-native language or sometimes see it impossible to repeat what other say when required to.

The solution

The most implemented way for teaching learners with language understanding troubles is the systematic multisensory structured language or MSL strategy. This strategy is made with the purpose of benefiting the group of students that find it hard to communicate, read, learn and spell in both the mother and the non-native language.

The MSL strategy teaches educators to:

  • Make it possible at risk students to categorizing concepts
  • Organize the language rules to simpler ones
  • Provide practicing opportunities for learners
  • Practice the speech sounds and phonemes clearly and systematically (single or more at a lesson)
  • Teach the alphabet sounds in the second language directly and carefully
  • Teach learners how to comprehend a language rule
  • Introduce more comprehending methods and channels concurrently when teaching a language rule
  • Introduce visual aids whenever possible
  • Introduce students with summary sheets, study helpers and graphic representations.
  • Use color coding to help them understand rules, gender and other principles
  • Use lyrics, special rhythms to help students comprehend a language concept
  • Dodge grammar and vocabulary teaching methods that include gap-filling
  • Provide learners with enough time when giving them a non-native language tasks

The multilingual society requires for a different language to be taught in all classrooms worldwide. If the learning environment are set to conform to the needs of at risk students, these students may also prosper from the implementation of a different language. If the question asked is whether at risk students should have to study a different language, the answer is positive.

Other language is not solely a way of understanding in the nowadays, but can also result to be a good brain developing method. Sadly, the educational system are not yet accustomed and aimed to conform to the request of the learners that need carefully crafted attention when it comes to language learning. One option is to make changes in language learning classes and fit the existing strategies to fit the need of the learners.

The main idea for managing this educational difficulty is to start from the educators. The traditional teaching method are failing to teach students with learning difficulties, and educators must start to be more interested in of the changes among their students. If a student finds it difficult to learn the given language, teachers should to identify this problem and pick the correct way to assist the students.